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What do you do the first thing you wake up? If you’re looking for simple morning routine to have a productive day, you’re in the right place.

Morning Routine with Doctor Mike

Doctor Mike is very busy. Aside from being a social media genius, he’s also a doctor. He breaks down his morning routine like you’ll see below. Watch his YouTube video to see why each step is so important.

  1. A glass of warm lemon water
  2. Make my bed
  3. Cold shower
  4. Get dressed
  5. Quick warm-up workout
  6. Self-reflection – Take the dog for a walk without a cellphone
  7. Breakfast


10 Morning Routine Habits of Successful People by Practical Psychology

Practical Psychology took a look at what successful people do every day. We’re starting to see a pattern!

  1. Make a to-do list with actionable items
  2. Energize themselves (cold shower)
  3. Schedule the day (When will you complete things on the to-do list)
  4. Wake up early
  5. Affirmations and visualizations
  6. Gratefulness
  7. Bond with someone
  8. Clean from the night before
  9. Silence
  10. Read about what happened the night before (staying away from irrelevant or negative information)


The Miracle Morning: 6 Steps for Creating an Effective Morning Ritual by Improvement Psychology

Have you heard of the Miracle Morning? There are 6 steps to create a happy and productive day. The Miracle Morning uses habit stacking for productivity. Watch the video below to find out why each step is crucial to a productive morning.

  1. Silence
  2. Affirmations
  3. Visualization
  4. Exercise
  5. Reading
  6. Scribing


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